Monday, October 7, 2013

How to Live Happily

1-Accept yourself as you are NOW no matter how bad you think you are.

2-Have self-compassion about your short-comings.

3-Pay more attention to your positive aspects.
4-It doesn't pay to worry if you goal is happiness.
5-Don't listen to what people say because there's always going to be that one person who doesn't like you.

6-Don't take your self so seriously. Live life and go with the flow. So what if you're not important in your job or at school, you're still a human being and everyone's important.

7-Always think of the bright side of things. Look for the silver lining. Even if it's not readily apparent you might see it later.

8-Love yourself. If you love yourself, you'll love your life. You don't have to be conceited but just remember you have got great qualities.

9-Don't get jealous of other people. So what if someone has more going on for them in their life than yours. Just remember that you have something special about you too.
10-Get a hobby and have something going on in your life all the time. Don't just be at home bored.

11-Try to make yourself look good for you and not for anyone else. This is very hard to do but just remember it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks but you, because it's your life to live and they already have their own.

12-Have fun with everything you do. Some people might find this annoying but then try and find friends who want to have fun just like you.

13-Think positive.

How to Reach Your Goals Quickly - 10 Easy Ways

How to Reach Your Goals Quickly - 10 Easy Ways

by Dr Philip E. Humbert

We all have dreams and goals. Some of them are simply wishes, like winning the lottery or sailing to Tahiti. But we also have goals that are vital to our futures and the well-being of our families. And yet many of us make little or no progress toward achieving our most important goals. We wait and hope, but get no closer to our dreams.

It doesn't have to be that way! We all know people who soar from one project to another, achieving their goals and living the life they want. How do they do it?

1. Clarity of purpose. For a dream to become a goal, it must be specific. While it's fun to dream about being rich, it takes courage and hard choices to decide exactly how much money you want and how you are going to earn it. Being "thin" is an image; losing 23 pounds by your birthday is a goal. In life, we probably can't have it all. You can lose 23 pounds, or you can have the cake and ice cream. Your choice. Be clear.

2. Commitment. There's a story from ancient Greece about a general who landed his troups on the beach, then burned his ships. He wanted each soldier to know there was no turning back, no retreat, no alternative to victory. Once your goal is clear, emotionally commit to achieving it. There are no alternatives.

3. Talk about it. This is called "accountability." Once you've defined your goal and committed yourself to achieve it, start talking about it! If you want to lose weight, don't blame your spouse for buying ice cream if he or she does't know and understand your goal! Talking about your goals makes them emotionally real and powerful. It allows people to help you reach your goal and support you along the way. Some people will also criticize or undermine you. Don't talk to them.

4. Write it down. This is basic, and one of the oldest, simplest and most powerful techniques for achieving any goal. Write it down! Describe precisely what you want, how you will earn it, when you will have it and the benefits you'll receive from achieving your goal. Write the details. Write the colors, the shapes and the dates.

5. Repeat it every day! Every morning, use a small card or a corner of your appointment book to record a short description of your goal where you will see it all day long. Don't carry the same card day after day! If your goal is worth anything, it's worth one minute of your time to write a simple sentence describing your dream and focusing on your priorities. Do this every morning.

6. Have a plan. Create a map for getting there. And put dates on it! A goal to retire at age 40 has no meaning without a savings and investment strategy. A goal to create your own business is just a fantasy without a plan to attract investors, find a location, hire staff and sell your goods or services. The beauty of a plan is that it shows you a path to your goal.

7. Take action every day! "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Any goal that is worthy of you is worth a few minutes of your time and some of your energy every single day. To write a novel, write a chapter this week. To open your own business, read a business magazine today. To create a more loving family, give someone a hug today. To be salesperson of the year, make a phone call right now!

8. Use constant affirmations. One of my clients is a PGA golfer. From the moment his ball lands on the green until he sinks the putt, he repeats over and over "I will make this putt!" He repeats that phrase as many as 200 times before every putt! Do you think he would be more, or less, successful if he spent those moments thinking, "I just hope I don't miss it"? Tell yourself what you want to hear!

9. Review, and re-commit, often. Never be afraid to review your goals, evaluate whether you are still 100% committed to them, and re-commit to achieving them. If your values or your choices have changed, change your goals accordingly, and be honest about it! And if your goal still fits, run to it with all your heart!

10. Celebrate each milestone! Never wait to have a party! Each deposit in your savings account deserves a checkmark on the calendar and a hug from your partner. Each day without a cigarette deserves a smile and congratulations from your loved ones. Every step toward your goal should be documented and celebrated! When you get discouraged or have doubts, your record of past successes will quickly get you back on track. Not sure about this? Ask any marathon runner whether they count each mile on their run to the finish line! Celebrate each and every milepost on your path to victory!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Earn Money

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What do you think about it, if the ship master did not tell that girl?

There is a couple, the man is very weak, and when they do something always let his girlfriend try first. So his girlfriend was very disappointed
Once, they were out to sea. When returning back, their boat was destroyed by hurricane. Fortunately, his girlfriend caught a piece of wood and saved their lives. Girlfriend asks her boyfriend: “Do you afraid?” Her boyfriend took out a knife from her, said: "I'm afraid, but there are sharks, I use this to deal with it." His girlfriend just shook his head bitterly.
Soon, a ship found them, while they were ecstatic. At that time there was a group of sharks, girlfriend cried: "We must try to swim, it will be fine!" Her boyfriend, suddenly push her into the sea, clinging to a cargo ship, and shouted: "This time, I first try!" shocked girlfriend, watching her boyfriend's back, feeling very desperate. Sharks are around, she was not interested with these sharks and swam straight to her boyfriend, then a shark bites her boyfriend fiercely, and he rushed like crazy and shouted to girlfriend: "I love you!"
Girlfriend was rescued, people on the ship are silence, the ship master sat near his girlfriend, said: "Miss, he is the most courageous people I've ever seen. We pray for him!" "No, he is a coward." coldly girlfriend Said. “Why do you say like that? I've been watching you with binoculars, I clearly see him push you away cut his own wrist with a knife. Do you know? Sharks are sensitive to the smell of blood, if he does not do this to gain time I am afraid you will never appear in the ship ....."